Leslie talks with the host of Direct Impact about the effects of coming from a dysfunctional family

Leslie Rawlings in conversation about mental health and trauma, part of our mini-series on the mental/spiritual health of our society as we tell a deeper story about our shared common life.
Podcast 1/2:
Leslie Rawlings In Conversation: Any Functional Adults Out There?

Leslie Rawlings in conversation about mental health and trauma, part of our mini-series on the mental/spiritual health of our society as we tell a deeper story about our shared common life.
Podcast Part 2/2:
Leslie Rawlings In Conversation: Your Body and Trauma
The Therapeutic Genius of Pia Mellody by John Bradshaw
How Childhood Trauma Leads to Addiction – Gabor Maté
Gabor Mate has a background in child development and trauma and discusses the lifelong impact on physical and mental health.

In this podcast, Alanis Morissette speaks to Pia Mellody about codependence, addiction. recovery as well as parenting and creating functional relationships.
Dolls that Heal:

Heal your inner child and own your greatness! Take full advantage of this therapeutic innovation to begin living with the inner strength, happiness, and authenticity you’ve always possessed inside.
“Therapist designed dolls that helps put “re-parenting” into practice”
Healing Trauma by the EMDR International Association
“Still Face Experiment” with Dr. Edward Tronick
Using the “Still Face” Experiment, in which a mother denies her baby attention for a short period of time, Tronick describes how prolonged lack of attention can move an infant from good socialization, to periods of bad but repairable socialization. In “ugly” situations the child does not receive any chance to return to the good, and may become stuck.
“What is Codependence?” by Pia Mellody
Pia Mellody creates a framework for identifying codependent thinking, emotions and behaviour and provides an effective approach to recovery.
“Self-Esteem” by Pia Mellody
Self esteem comes from within and is a total experience of self. It begins with the thought “I matter”, which produces a warmth in the heart, known as self love or self esteem which in turn affects how we behave. It is a decision. Either you have it or you don’t. It is a moment by moment decision.
“Developing Personal Boundaries” by Pia Mellody
Boundaries as a spiritual practice carries the concept of personal boundaries beyond the realm of interpersonal relations.